woman sitting on couch surrounded by donuts and other dessert food showing an eating disorder

Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024

While we’re a few days into EDAW, Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024, I’m still not sure what I want to say or what I really am wanting to see online. I’ve seen some people sharing their stories for the first time. Luckily, I haven’t seen anyone post before and after photos. Unfortunately, I have seen some “What I eat in a day” videos. I’ve seen some good reminders about eating disorders affecting minority populations as well as, most commonly, larger bodies. While I’ve taken in all that content, I’m still struggling with what it is I want to post about.

Why am I struggling so badly? I feel like there’s a lot of pressure to take advantage of the platform of EDAW to promote awareness. I’m also not confident in my position to speak even though I’ve suffered through restrictive subtype anorexia nervosa and various levels of treatment for 17 years of my life. I think most notably I’m struggling because there is no one magic post or info graphic that is going to make recovery any easier. I wish I could produce that for you but I’m not certain it will ever exist.

Recovery is so individual and such a long, difficult journey. I’ve been trying to recover for 15 of those 17 years I’ve had my disorder. It’s only now starting to work out for me because I have been able to create a safe home environment free of diet culture, I have a team of a CEDS Registered Dietician (NOT a nutritionist) and therapist who are actually trustworthy and good at their job, and I was fortunate enough to be taken seriously by medical professionals and put into treatment for a few years where I learned a ton because I was in the correct headspace while I was there.

I guess I will say please just be conscious. Diet culture and the diet industry are second nature to the majority of our society. Be cautious of what information you take in online. Be conscious of how you speak to others regarding food and body (better yet, just don’t comment on it at all). Be aware of the biases people have because of their jobs (AKA fitness trainers, influencers, and doctors). Be kind. You never know when someone else might be struggling and scared to ask you for help. Most importantly, know that you are not alone and recovery is possible. If you feel like you don’t have anyone in your life to reach out to, Love You Too is here for you.

For more content on eating disorder awareness, check out our previous posts below!

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