pitcher of water on a table with a glass of water in front of sunset showing self love and the need of daily water

Water – The Remarkable Essential Need Everyone Takes For Granted

Sure, we all know that water is a survival necessity along with food and shelter. But did you know that drinking water is connected to your mental health? Chances are, you are probably not drinking enough. And your brain knows it.

Making sure you sufficiently meet your daily intake can lead to a large number of positive health effects. Including many around mental health. For instance, it can help with the following:

  • Higher brain function – fight off brain fog, poor memory, and lack of concentration
  • Increased serotonin – boost your mood and increase emotional stability
  • Decreased depression – fight off dehydration and energy reduction
  • Decreased anxiety – decrease the body’s stress and reduce excess cortisol production
  • Lowered risk of dementia – stay hydrated and keep your brain functioning 

How much is enough?

It is true that too much of a good thing can be bad. So, no need to go crazy guzzling it down. In actuality, the correct amount of water is different for each individual. According to the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, it is estimated that men need approximately 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day and women need approximately 11.5 (2.7 liters) of fluids a day. Again, keep in mind that the actual amount may vary based on location, activity, health, etc.

How can I get enough each day?

Life can be busy and sometimes it’s hard to remember to take the time to drink water. It is ok to be imperfect. We are human after all. However, there are ways in which you can practice self love and create healthy habits or routines that may increase your daily intake if needed. Here are some tricks to get you started.

  • Carry a water bottle around with you so you always have access to it
  • Try adding flavors or electrolytes packets to help make it more appealing and keep yourself hydrated
  • Add it to your routine and make it a daily habit – like drinking a glass before work in the morning
  • Set a goal – tell yourself you have to finish a glass before moving onto drinking a soda or juice
  • Eat your water by eating fruits and vegetables that have a higher water content like watermelon, cucumber, or lettuce

No matter what you choose to do, I know you can can start increasing your daily water intake to meet your needs and enjoy the mental health benefits that will follow. In the meantime, remember that I love you, and you should love you too.

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